.:Anatomy Aestetics:.

Under Your Skin
What Lies Beneath
Nom Nom Nom
Bring me to Life


The human body is an astounding machine, composed of many parts, gears, systems and interwoven designs. To fathom the vast intamacy of this machine would take years, even for a general, realatively basic look at what composes such a glorious construction. With hundreds of medicinal advancements and in depth research, it seems to be evident that the fundemental structure of the body is somehow quantifiable.
In one website, I will try my best to explain 4 diferent systems of the human body to you, The Observer.
As you will notice, this site is broken into 4 smaller subsections which hold all of the information necessary to my purpose.
.:"Under Your Skin" is a small annex to the site which includes the information regarding the Integumentary System and Histology:.
.:"What Lies Beneath" elaborates on  subject matter regarding the Skeletal System and bone structure:.
.:"Nom Nom Nom" begins your journey into the digestive system, highlighting certain things like organs, structures and tissues:.
.:"Bring me to Life" is the final section which gives a basic introduction to the Respiratory system and important aspects of how it functions:.

Website By: Daniel "Deige" Bencardino

The Inner Workings of a Natural Machine